
Student Corner

What if I had superpowers?

Written by: Rakshit Dahal - 22023, Grade XII

Posted on: 10 February, 2022

It has been a dream to most of us about having superpowers. Every night when I couldn’t sleep, I used to imagine myself having superpowers and saving the world, within seven minutes into that dream I was sound asleep. If not all of us, most of us have imagined having a superpower and saving our friends from bad people or saving a girl you liked from bad people and being the hero of your own subconscious mind.

With the rise of Marvel and DC comics and adaptation into movies, the idea of being a superhero has grown more into kids these days and there is no doubt that it is a healthy obsession. Not just kids but people of all ages are super excited when it comes to superheroes. There are a lot of options to choose on which superhero you would like to be. For me I created my own superhero, to be precise I have this idea of a superhero who has a cube that he could turn into anything he thought of, whether it be Iron-Man’s suit or Boeing 747, all he had to do was think. Let’s call him TacoMan for now.

Whenever I have trouble sleeping, I imagine turning myself into TacoMan and roaming cities with my little cube that could turn into anything I wished for. I know it was my escape from reality in one way and enjoying every moment being a TacoMan. I imagined turning every city into a crime-free city, sending corrupted officers to jail, and creating multiple job opportunities. In a nutshell, I imagined a utopian city that TacoMan built. He would do all sorts of things but there’s no doubt that his powers must be for good aim. If I had superpowers I would probably spend every night in a new country. I would frequently travel to different parts of the world and explore unexplored seas. I would try to reach the bottom of the sea and also use my powers to find ships that were only heard in stories after they sank. Who knows if I had the brain and the power I would even reunite North Korea and South Korea and also end all the conflicts happening in Afghanistan. Maybe I would even find a new life on another planet, find new species, and ensure the survival of human beings for eternity. Maybe I would fight Thanos, Thor and the King of Wakanda by my side. It would be a good experience,  but at the end of the day it would only be possible if  “I had Superpowers”.