
Student Corner

My New Year 2022!

Written by: Himamshu Bal - 31009, Grade III

Posted on: 09 February, 2022

At new year I woke up early because my family planned to go to fun park. I went there with my little brother, aunt and my parents. We went there at 10:30a.am. and arrived at 11:00 a.m. My father went to get the tickets.  Me, my little brother, aunt and my parents went to the fun house. I went to the trampolines and my little brother went to the slides. We had a lot of  fun on the long slides. There were many slides and other fun rides to play. We played many games like: bumper cars, train ride, horse ride, tea cup ride etc. After we played we went to a restaurant to eat some delicious snacks. Then we went home.