
Student Corner

Why does a degree no longer matter in light of self-study?

Written by: Shashwot Poudyal - 23039, Grade XI

Posted on: 08 February, 2022

Degrees are expected to make you wiser but that’s not a degree, that’s education that makes you wiser and many of us are confined within the thought that having a degree means to be educated. Being educated means a lot more than just a degree.
Market economics says that a market is based upon demand and supply; lower the supply greater is the demand and greater the supply lower is the demand. In the early 90s the supply of educated manpower was extremely low which made the demand of educated manpower extremely high but now as the supply of educated manpower is up to the greatest extent its demand is no longer as high as it previously was. It costs more than a core to study MBBS and the fresher’s aren’t paid even in lakhs. Student are there to take on loans worth 100,s of thousand dollars to study but where’s the capacity of that degree to pay them back ?It doesn’t work to spend a life working just to repay one's student debt.
In the context worldwide, it is entrepreneurs who have made a difference in society. It was Mark Zuckerberg who made the world a global village, and it was Larry page and Sergey Brin who stored the world of information behind one bar named Google. Where has a college degree made a difference in the present context? Its education that has made the difference in the society and the one who are self-educated are the ones to make the difference .It does not matter if they are a drop out or an A+ holder, what matters now is how capable are they to interpret the market and solve the existing issues in the market .
It’s one of the cheapest motivations today to say millionaires were a failure so am I but millionaires were not a failure and if they do where they were the ones to bounce back the hardest. They may be college dropouts but were the ones to scatter the libraries. Education is what matters today no matter in the form of how it arrives one must learn to grab it and education must be sought behind the vision of a degree to make an impact on today’s globalized global village. If not being a Nepali we have witnessed people with degrees staying unemployed or working as laborers in the gulf. At the very moment we have witnessed the ones with the same degree holders to execute the gulf .Technology giant Google is led by Sundar Pichai who has a degree in metallurgy and not all metallurgy engineers are Sundar Pichai despite having the very same degree. What made a difference is education beyond the bars, not a degree.
Elon musk once said if someone is educated from a reputed college it may seem he is well talented but that’s not always the case but if someone is educated by themselves they are the one capable of just conquering anything that’s on the path. It was education that has made all the difference. The ones who are into self-study are the ones to found the business giants and are the one to be business tycoons all over the world but no one having just a degree is a self-made business-tycoon anywhere in the world .Its way better to have a degree than not have one but everyone should ask if that degree on itself is capable enough to make a impact in such competitive market?