
Student Corner

Importance of Trust in one's life

Written by: Abhinav Pudasaini - 23006, Grade XI

Posted on: 07 February, 2022

The term “Trust” means to rely on another person because one feel safe with them and has confidence that they will not hurt or betray you. Trust is the foundation in any relationship. Trust is fundamental to life, if you can't  trust in anything, life becomes intolerable. One cannot have a good relationship without trust. If you don't trust you will always feel insecure somewhere with the other one. A trusted relationship can be with anybody in the life we are connected to such as :- Mother, Father, relatives, friends, life partner, business partner, son, daughter etc. Trust is not shown only with others but also trust is shown within ownself. If you can't trust yourself, your capability or your ability to do something in your life can never be achieved. Success is far until you trust onself.

In today's world Trust has become the most important part in one's life. There is a lack of Trust with everyone you are engaged with. Also loving someone is way easier than trusting anybody. There are some few elements that hold our world together. The one that is the backbone of the society is Trust. Trust is hard to define, but we always know it when it's lost. When that happens, we withdraw our energy and level of engagement. We go on an internal strike, not wanting to be sympathetic to the person who we feel has hurt us. Once we will break someone's Trust, then the other person is likely to never Trust on you for the same reason. As a result, the person pulls back from us and will no longer feel part of their world. This loss of Trust can be obvious or somewhat hidden. On the other hand, trust makes people feel eager to be a part of a relationship, group, or company. And it makes people feel comfortable to depend on each other. When trust is not broken , we will be ready to contribute what is needed  from our side not just by offering our presence but also by sharing our dedication, skills and energy. Whereas if the level of trust is low in a relationship or organization, people limit their involvement with everything related to a person. People often feel that distrust is not safe to share. So a person who may be a leader or loved one may be slow to discover that they have lost a person's trust. When we depend on a leader, family member or friend, we can feel vulnerable, and we need trust to manage the anxiety of the feeling. When trust is present, things go well, but when trust is lost, the relationship is at risk. Today many marriages are being wrecked just because of the lack of trust.

Today everyone has some sort of problems. Everyone needs support not only financially but also moral or emotional support. One can just give emotional support by just trusting him/her. If you fully trust somebody then, the other person also feels somewhere bad when betraying your trust and one day he will surely feel sorry about you. People have become so selfish that it's hard to even trust anybody for small works. That's why today every organization, every person keeps paper documents or clips as evidence for their work with others, not because it's mandatory. There is a trust issue within us and within everybody. People while giving just small work to somebody feels insecure until the work is completed just because of the trust issue. So i think that, in today's world, these are common, but to make the relationships best, you have to trust rather than anything.