
Student Corner

The Vedas

Written by: Apurba Adhikari - 22005, Grade XII

Posted on: 07 February, 2022

The word "Veda" is derived from the verb "Vid" and means "knowledge" or "means of acquiring knowledge". The Vedas are thought to have been created by God for the benefit of mankind long before humans were even created. It is said that there was only one Veda but later, during the period of Mahabharat, Maharshi Veda Vyasa divided the Veda into four parts, naming it Rig, Sama, Yajur, and Atharva Vedas.

The Vedas are a group of hymns and other ancient religious texts written between 1500 and 1000 BCE. It contains liturgical material as well as mythological accounts, poems, prayers, and formulas held sacred by the Hindu religion. Each Veda has a number of branches known as Shakas. Rig Veda, for example, has Shakala Shaka and Bhaskala. Similarly, Yajur Veda has Taittiriya and Katha, among many others. You can think of them as Physics departments (Atomic, Theoretical, Nuclear, Quantum, Thermodynamics, and more). The Vedas' goal is to assist mankind in maintaining consciousness of the soul within and preventing them from being dissatisfied in the materialistic world. The Vedas are primarily intended to be followed in order to sustain Dharmacharan (Righteousness) in society and maintain man's happiness. Following the Vedas as a result aids man in achieving Final Liberation (Moksha). The Vedas, on the other hand, are not solely concerned with spirituality and God-realization; they also contain worldly conceptions. Every Veda is related with a Deity, and has "Up Vedas" (sub-Vedas). The Rig Veda is related with Lord Brahma and has 8 branches and incorporates the Ayurveda (medication). The Yajur Veda is related with Lord Vishnu, has 86 branches and incorporates the Dhanurveda (combative techniques). The Samaveda is likewise connected with Lord Vishnu, has 1000 branches and incorporates the Gandharvaveda (investigation of all artistic expressions: including music, dance and verse). The Atharvaveda is related with Lord Indra, has 9 branches and incorporates the Arthashastra (monetary approach and military procedure).

Not believing in religion is a common trend now, but I believe the idea of Science is not to not believe in religion but to question everything and you cannot disprove something you have no knowledge about. So, I think everyone should read texts like Vedas or the Bible at least once in their life.