
Student Corner

What if the earth suddenly disappears?

Written by: Nishan Shrestha - 25008, Grade IX

Posted on: 07 February, 2022

What happens if the earth disappears suddenly? What will happen to humankind? What will happen to the creatures existing on earth? It is quite a complex thing that our mind cannot think or imagine because it's the thing we never saw in real life except for some movies. If you try to think of it you might imagine a movie scene but you cannot imagine it happening in real life. It's because our brain cannot comprehend us not existing or disappearing. So, can the earth disappear? Answer to the question is yes. The earth can disappear in two ways either  by getting sucked by the black hole or being destroyed completely. There might be other ways the earth could disappear. There are many things in the universe which scientists have not discovered yet or have knowledge about. Who knows there can be a creature that eats planets in the universe. What will happen to humankind or the creatures existing on earth? As our brain cannot imagine it there is no answer to this question, but it's somehow an obvious answer; if the earth disappeared there is no way we can survive, but the answer does not apply to creatures like insects. According to the scientists, cockroaches would be the last to survive on the earth who knows they could survive in space. There is no sure answer to this topic but it is sure that humankind will completely disappear and who knows a new planet might form instead of the earth and some creatures might start living on it like we humans are living from billions of years.