
Student Corner

World’s Greatest Mysteries

Written by: Rushav Paneru - 28018, Grade VI

Posted on: 04 February, 2022

World history is replete with mystifications and mysteries that despite all the troubles of our most expert chroniclers, determined treasure huntsmen, and great cryptographers, have remained unsolved. However, then is the list of the world’s topmost unsolved mystifications, If you're also intrigued to know about them.

Area-51 Nevada Utah, USA
This remote US Air Force installation in the state of Nevada is packed with mysterious secrets! As per the crew supporters and UFO legend, it's believed that the location serves as a storehouse place of an alien vehicle that broke down on earth, while it’s similarly believed that private military installations are probing alien technology. What’s there and what’s going down there remains an unsolved puzzle.

Antikythera mechanism, Greece
It’s believed that the Greek scientists might hold the old computer - like device eventually between 150 BC and 100B., which was found in the demolition of a 2000- year-aged boat off the coastline of the Greek islet of Antikythera. Science chronicler Derek. de Solla Price from Princeton University in 1959 found that the stated device could be used to prophesy eclipses and truly astronomical posts. Nevertheless, the mysterious thing about this is that the technology to form such a thing wasn't spotted again till the 14th century, and the explanation remains unknown.

Bermuda Triangle, North America
It’s a mystic zone where over the past 500 years, planes and boats have gone mysteriously missing. This region is bounded by the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda; Florida, Miami, United States; and the American habitat of Puerto Rico. A lot of hypotheses have been floated by scientists and experts, resembling a form of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) to sea monsters, yet nothing has been suitable to decrypt the puzzle.

Loch Ness monster, Scotland
Do you think a monster like Loch Ness exists? Well, as per the legends, it’s a legendary underwater beast that can be found in Scotland, while some experts remark that it’s a bulky beast that represents a range of dinosaurs. The earliest photographic documentation of the monster was believed to be found in 1934, which was subsequently found to be an artificial one in 1994. In 2008, there were reports that the beast might have vanished due to global warming, while in recent moments, scientists are in declamations to utilize environmental DNA to prove the actuality of the stated monster.

Shu borough inscription, England
This 18th-century Shepherd's Monument in Staffordshire, England, looks like and common gravestone from afar, but if one gets near, they will catch an inquisitive effect of letters DOUOSVAVVM — which is a law that has stuck around undecided for all these years. Some experts suspected that the law could probably be a hint that has been deserted before by the Knights Templar regarding the whereabouts of the Holy Grail, others have tried to crack the law, but all are worthless and just a failure.
Shroud of Turin, Italy
It’s a work of linen fabric that bears the look-alike of a guy, which is believed to be Jesus of Nazareth’s burial blanket. As per the chronicles, it has been kept in the Edifice of Saint John the Baptist in Turin, Italy. What’s fascinating to note is that over the ages, numerous scientists have studied the fabric, and carried out a range of experiments, including DNA examinations. As per one study that was printed in July 2018, the blanket is artificial as the bloodstain designs looked to be unrealistic. though, the blanket remains a religious icon but hidden with puzzles.

Stonehenge, United Kingdom (U.K)
The Neolithic builders worked about 30 million hours to assemble this prehistoric monument as per the narrations. With heavy upright gravestones, these structures contain mostly sarsen and bluestone. A UNESCO World Heritage place, it’s located in southern England, and some scientists are of the view that glaciers, not humans, are accountable for most of the heavy lifting of gravestones during one of the Ice Periods. Nevertheless, the aim of this structure remains a puzzle.

Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan
It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site assembled around 2500 BC. It was one of the largest understandings of the long-lived Indus Valley civilization and was one of the world's foremost towns. This location flourished along the lush plains of the Indus River until it collapsed mysteriously. This megacity stuck around unknown till 1911 when archaeologists produced their earliest findings. A fascinating thing to note is that the destiny of civilization and people once remains unknown, although experts set up numerous hypotheses.