
Student Corner

Should you prioritize yourself?

Written by: Bipana Shrestha - 24002, Grade X

Posted on: 04 February, 2022

Nowadays there are only a few people in this world who prioritize themselves before others. People call those kinds of people “selfish”. But is it really selfish to prioritize overselves over others? I don't think selfish is the right word. I have seen people who value others over themselves. People worry more about others' opinions. They are worried about people's opinions over their happiness. What I feel is we should always keep ourselves first no matter what the situation is or who the person is. The time you start thinking about people's opinions towards you, you start overthinking, you start living the life for others, you feel disturbed and don't feel like yourself at all. Before thinking for others just take out time for yourself. 
Sometimes you just feel like nothing is working out the way you wanted. Sometimes it's just all messed up because you never know what turn life can take at any time. Life is never as we expect it to be. We meet new people and experience new things. Sometimes we feel insecure or feel like we are not good enough or that other people are more good or appealing than us. But you should always remind yourself that everyone is built differently, your goal and happiness are what matters in life. You should give time to yourself and try living a healthy life. You should start building up yourself and focus on yourself. Don't let the expectations of others keep you away from happiness and the things you have always wanted to do in life. Prioritizing yourself can help you realize that you need to let go of other people's expectations. This is your life, and you must enjoy every moment of it. You should always focus on your goals and the things that will help you live a better life. The day you start prioritizing yourself over others, what others say about you or their opinion about you does not matter to you anymore and you just start loving yourself the way you are. You just give it your all no matter what you do. Just give it your best. Just do what makes you happy. Trust yourselves and do what you want to do because you are the only one who knows yourself the best. Try to grab the opportunities and take challenges. 
If you have a certain goal and you run towards achieving that goal I think you will definitely succeed one day. It's just all about effort. If you have an interest in something then just go for it and give it a shot because you never know what turning point it can take in your life. I have always heard people saying life is way too short but I think life is a lot longer. You should try different things and if it does not feel like it's right for you you can try something different. You just have to be brave. Even if you fail it does not matter because at least you tried and gave your best.