
Student Corner

Is Life Fair?

Written by: Aswin Siwakoti - 23014, Grade XI

Posted on: 03 February, 2022

This is the question that we have been hearing whenever something bad happens or anything which happens that is beyond our expectations. For some, life is certainly unfair being not able to do the things that they want and are kept in a boundary that they are never allowed to cross, they have limited sources which they can use without any kind of prohibitions or limitations. But how can we define a fair life and how can one be able to achieve that fair life. Questioning all these time but there are still not any kind of solutions. From my point of view, what we can get is that one must not be focused on making their life fair, they must be able to live there to the fullest which automates their flow of life and makes them feel that they are living a fair life considering how much effort they have been putting in. Looking at the people worldwide and comparing their life to ours what we can conclude is life takes turns probably like the waves of water going up and down. Seeing people from other continents featured in the newspapers, magazines where they describe their life and the problems they have been facing certainly is unfair for them.

Growing up probably made everyone realize that life for everyone is not the same, and being an adult I myself think that life has not been really fair to me because in life there's something called luck which certainly helps to make a good hefty life to live for the rest of our lives. One part sees people struggling to live their daily life and the other part where there's no valuation of it, spending it as if there's no tomorrow. Life is certainly unfair for those living in the first part. And being able to understand it there are many people who have been raising the same questions but that's how life is fair for some and unfair for some. And one of the most basic reasons that life is not fair is that there is no proper guidance of truth and equality. We've been coping in this world where people are used, that fairness is taken from them, and are forced to live an unfair life. Everyone desires to live a fair life and it is a good thing, and their desires are probably gonna be answered someday if they never stop hustling and treat everyone fairly.