
Student Corner


Written by: Saki Shrestha - 23051, Grade XI

Posted on: 02 February, 2022

Childhood is the precious stage of life where the most fun and memorable times are created, the time when we were unknown to the real world and would enjoy ourselves. Everyone who grows up wishes for his/her childhood as we can witness the most care, love and affection from all the family members to a child. The care and love from the family makes the childhood most memorable phase of life. 
Childhood is the beginning and the first phase of life. A child is born with no worries, anxieties and only the purest heart. The parents become the first teacher and are responsible for teaching them all the basic to necessary habits, and to shaping the future of the child. Our future is built upon the basis of our childhood. It is the most important time where the pillars of right principles, values and manners are built. And on making our coming future bright, different memories are created. Children are all free from various anxieties, stress in this world full of hatred and danger. But after being a grown up there comes a lot of issues with more tension and stress. Yet remembering the childhood makes a little smile on the face. It is not that every time we had the best memory. There were many unwanted memories but those memories do not haunt a lot in the mind. Growing up we miss every single day of our childhood. The days of innocent stupidity were the days when we lived freely with no hesitations
Those times have already passed now and cannot be brought back. The children now in their childhood period do not realize that they are going through the golden period of life. They are the most innocent beings in this world and the representative of god which can bring a smile to anyone’s face.