
Student Corner

Marital Rape

Written by: Anushka Basket - 24001, Grade X

Posted on: 01 February, 2022

When there is nonconsensual sex activities between spouses,it is called marital rape. Marital rape has been a huge practice in most Asian household, not just Asian but the world as a whole. Many don't even are aware of marital rape. Especially in Nepal, marital rape is considered non-existent. Here, most people think that once you are married it is your job to satisfy your partner whether you like it or not. This is always only towards women. Women in marriage are forced to "satisfy" their husband even if they don't like it. Mainly women are victims of marital rape.
Marriage is no license to rape and men should know that. No one has any right to touch anyone without their consent. Not even a married couple to each other. The Supreme Court of Nepal declared marital rape to be illegal. The Criminal Code Bill passed by the Parliament defined marital rape as a criminal offence. Sub-Section (4) of Section 219 states, “If a man rapes his wife when he is still in marital relationship with her, he shall be sentenced to up to five years in jail.” Even though there is a law against marital rape, many women are still being the victims and are too scared to speak up. The funny thing is that a man can get away with rape after just 5 years in jail. They pay just 5 years for ruining someone's entire life. The way someone's emotional, mental and physical health is not taken into consideration is heartbreaking. Women are taught that it's their job to "satisfy" their husband, it is their job to make sure their husband gets everything they want. The force society puts down on women creates mentality that marital rape doesn't exist. And many believe it. Men feel superior to women because we as a society have been practicing the act without many voices against it. Many women still suffer in silence. Some don't even realize they are getting abused because they have been taught that abuse  is normal. Currently many women in Nepal know about these issues and many voice against it. Men and women together voice against this thing and many are educated about it. 
Even though there are some areas in Nepal where this education is not taught, small steps are taken which is a good thing. Personally I believe anyone, men or women, if they touch or do something to someone without the person's consent, they should be held accountable. Few years in jail is not enough punishment for those who think it is okay to  ruin someone's life. Consent is the key and people should be taught about it. Healthy relationships should be maintained in which both parties' opinions and views are respected. Every generation should be taught that invading someone else's personal life is not any act of superiority. Abuse in any form should not be excused. Especially in a married couple, to have a long and healthy marriage they need to respect each other in every aspect.