
Student Corner

Young Life on Tiktok

Written by: Simon Sangat - 22019, Grade XII

Posted on: 01 February, 2022

It is no secret that today’s generation is addicted to their phones. Almost everyone is on their phone all the time, so what makes our phone so interesting? The applications or simply social media apps keep us hooked to our phone. Tik Tok is one of the most famous and used social media platforms. Tik Tok was launched in September 2016 by a Chinese entrepreneur Zhang Yiming. Now, tiktok is a largely growing platform. Tik tok now has gained millions of users around the world. It is one of the fastest growing social media platforms in the world.

Today’s generation are so much into tik tok that they spend a lot of time using it. Many people spend hours and hours of their day scrolling through their for you page. Not only a specific age group but every age group people are using tik tok almost everyday. People have gained a lot of followers and popularity because of this app. This app is a wonderful boon as it is interesting given that each video is about 15 seconds. We as humans have a very little attention span. In this fast-paced world we have been so busy in our head that our attention is shifting from one thing to another within seconds. Our average attention span is about 8 seconds which is one less than that of a goldfish.

The concentration power of humans is decreasing day by day due to usage of these apps. People have been procrastinating a lot, shifting their tasks for later and scrolling through tik tok all day. It is indeed a great time pass for sure because it is very easy to scroll through their for you page. A lot of people have agreed that they don't reckon time passing by while they are on tik tok.

People’s patience level has also degraded because people now have discovered that they can gain information in less time than ever. The same amount of information that was available on youtube for about 10 minutes is now available on tic tok within a short period of time.

Entrepreneurs are very smart and they know that people are lazy , their brain seeks comfort and luxury so they made scrolling through tik tok much easier and simpler. You must have noticed that on your for you page only the things that you are interested in appear the most. It is designed in such an algorithm that enables users to spend most of their time on it. If we find something interesting then we are more likely to spend hours on it. Tik tok makers know that very well and it is why this app is growing at such a rapid pace.

Some believe that tik tok illegally fetches data from our phone and that is why it knows our interests, but this is not yet proved. Data is the most valuable thing in today’s world. If someone has our data then it would be very easy to manipulate us.

People have been ignoring their jobs and assignments just to scroll through Tick Tok for a little longer. They are being non-productive and it is affecting their health for sure. A lot of anything does more harm than good. People have been spending a lot of time on this app. Most people make their living out of it too.

Young people are throwing their lives away for some popularity on this social media site. It is a big deal to be famous and Tik Tok has made it possible for all the users to post your video of either dancing or lip syncing to a song or an audio which apparently makes you famous for that. Some people really put their work in a single Tik Tok video but others are just getting famous for being cringe and talentless.

Inspired by Tik Tok youtube has also created youtube shorts which are very similar to that of Tik Tok. The idea of uploading a video of only 15 seconds seems like a great concept of saving time but it is not what it looks like on the surface. The reality is we are taking more media information in less time but still we are not exactly saving time. Some people believe that life before Tik Tok was much more peaceful and non-distracting. But we still had entertaining sites such as Netflix, Youtube , Instagram , Facebook , Twitter and many more. The thing about Tik Tok is that it is extremely famous, so famous that it went from 65 million users in 2017 to 700 million users in 2020. Now Tik Tok has 1 billion downloads and is one of the fastest growing social media platforms.

One needs about 10,000 followers to start earning directly from Tik Tok. So, it is a great platform to showcase our talent and get famous while staying at home. Tik Tok is a very influential social media now, people are consuming a lot of information from it . Many use it for a source of entertainment, others think of it as a productive site where you get your daily dose of news like what is happening in the world.

We shall all agree that Tik Tok is a useful app, at some point it has taught us something new. The thing about Tik Tok is that it enables users to connect within a wide range. People from all around the world can post on Tik Tok. Due to its vast usage people are getting information about every corner of the world. People are able to connect with other people who live miles and miles far from them.

Tik Tok has gained a massive amount of daily users and it is an extremely popular app. But many people are against it as some consider it useless and time consuming. Given that we see people around us addicted to Tik Tok and they are on Tik Tok everytime. We might as well think of it as a harmful and addicting website. Either we love it or hate it Tik Tok is one of the most successful apps with a net worth of $50 billion dollars.