
Student Corner

My Childhood Pet

Written by: Nivi Chhetri - 29018, Grade V

Posted on: 01 February, 2022

Animals play an important and magical role in the life of children. They give us a real-life bond. My father told me when he was a kid he had adopted six dogs. He is also very fond of dogs and so do I.
I remember my childhood pet. When I was small I had many pets. I had a dog named ‘Ticen’. He was a very good dog. He used to love me and so I did. He used to protect me and guard me all the time. I used to have long, intimate conversations with him. We used to go everywhere together, but sadly one day he passed away. I still remember him. His memories are always there in my heart.
After a few days, my father brought me another dog ‘Goldy’. Goldy was a very shy natured dog. He used to bark a lot at night time.  I tried to make the same bond with Goldy, but I could not because he was a little bit different from Ticen. One day my father sent him back to his real owner.  I think I will never have the same bond with other pets which I had with my Ticen.