
Student Corner

What if we become invisible?

Written by: Samyam Rai - 29028, Grade V

Posted on: 31 January, 2022

Invisibility what an incredible power it would be to have to do whatever we want without worrying about being caught. So, no wonder invisibility has always been a deep desire for most of us although it sounds like a thing only possible in fictional superhero stories surprisingly, invisibility is not just a crazy science and ironically can be demonstrated in reality. Yes, and for that first, we need to learn how we see things. The secret behind our visual sight lies inside tiny particles of light called photons so when these photons fall on some object; it bounces off the object and enters our eye, where it reaches the retina, which converts the photons into an
electric signal and transmit it to our brain, where we finally see the object. So basically, scientists have figured out to make anything invisible is to change the path of these photons around an object so that they do not bounce on it and reflect on our eye or they have made the photons go through the object as if it is transparent. The third option is to project the object that is behind us, in front of us and into people’s eyes but, in that case, we will be visible to some extent if we became invisible somehow. The first thing that will happen is we will start to turn blind. Yes, if there is no photon, our vision will be absent in our eyes.