
Student Corner

Should voting be made compulsory?

Written by: Angel Dhimal - 25002, Grade IX

Posted on: 28 January, 2022

In a democratic country around the world it has been discussed heavily but the outcome has not been quite clear. It is a topic about debate but still has not come to a proper conclusion.there are few points on either side that makes cases for either viewpoints but a simple answer to the question cannot be found. Everyone should be required by law to vote. Democracy or the election would not work if the large or many people won't participate.   Election and voting is all done for choosing the right person for a certain position. Casting a vote should be made mandatory. there is no use for an election if many people don't participate in it.  If compulsory voting is practised in the country then it will be mandatory for every person to vote. If not they have to bear some consequences. After a law is made for compulsory voting it will surely have positive effects as well and negative too so it is a heavily debated topic because it has both sides.first talking about the positive sides of it making voting mandatory helps a lot to get votes from every part of the section rather than from only one part. One candidate will be winning the election from the  vote of every citizen rather than just from a particular section as said before. then the people participating in the election will be higher. if the more number of people will vote then the winning  candidate would be favourite among all the people and would definitely  Represent the majority of the people People voting.Higher the number of voter the better decision taking can take place better for country and people as people take their future and decision in their own hands. It a right person is selected from the voting process then it is beneficial for the country and citizens. A person who is selected from the majority of votes will surely be the best and capable one. Voting will also help people to learn about politics. If the voting would not be compulsory then many people would surely avoid voting. A wrong decision can be made. In many countries voting is made compulsory. If one doesn't vote then he\she has to face consequences. They have to pay a fine or face any other problems too. If a country makes a rule of compulsory voting then every citizen must vote which also means that it can cause an effect on our rights. It can also be called forceful work. A government should not force people to vote. We have got many duties to follow and rights too but the government cannot force us to do your duties. We have rights to do many things but it is not possible that we do everything mandatorily. Citizens have the right to follow and do whatever they want to do within the law. So we cannot force them to follow their duties. Even if a person doesn't like any of the candidates he or she must have to follow the law and vote. So the voting must be mandatory or not cannot be fixed or can come to a conclusion of yes or no answer because it has both the negative and positive side. Whether the voting becomes mandatory or not it is the duty of citizens to follow it and we must vote to make a deserving candidate leader of the country for the betterment.