
Student Corner


Written by: Aashutosh Shrestha - 23004, Grade XI

Posted on: 28 January, 2022

Earth is a place full of mysteries that no one has been able to solve. There are a lot of events that are still unsolved and no one could figure it out. Some of the most mysterious events are listed below.

There are a lot of incidents about time travelling mentioned on the internet. And all of them are very interesting and very intriguing. The first event is about the plane that travelled from past to present. We can see about this incident on the internet if you search about it. In July 1955, a flight named PAN AM 914 took off at New York City and its destination was Miami. But it never made it there. In the middle of their travels the flight mysteriously disappeared. Nobody could figure out what happened. After 37 years in 1992 AD, in the airport of Caracas, Venezuela the plane suddenly appeared without any signs in radar. The air traffic controllers were shocked to see an old plane that is no longer used. They asked the pilot to identify the plane.
The pilot replied that this flight was 914. They somehow travelled 1200 miles away from their direction after 37 years. The pilot was shocked and horrified after the air traffic controller told him that. After that the pilot took off again in a hurry and the plane was never seen after that. Nobody knows what happened to that plane after disappearing 37 years ago. The most popular theory is that the plane mistakenly entered a wormhole that caused the plane to travel in future. But later on it was said that the story about the missing plane was total fabrication. And the source of the fabrication was the weekly world news which was famous for absurd news. They published the same story before with different days of landing which was 1985 AD. But nobody knows what truly happened to flight 914.

Back in 2011 AD New Year eve. An incident occurred that shocked everyone. During midnight huge numbers of blackbirds started falling from the sky. No one knew what was going on. Next morning when the area was getting cleaned. 5000 of black birds were counted and none of them were alive. This mysterious incident happened in the town of Beebe in   Arkansas, United States. They were said to have suffered from blunt force trauma because. And initially they blamed fireworks. After sometime around the same time in year in the banks of Arkansas River, 100,000 drum fish were washed away all dead because of unknown causes. There was not much distance from the place where the blackbird fell. It was only 125 miles away.
After exactly a year in New Year 2012. Same thing was repeated. Blackbirds began to fall from the sky. But this time fireworks were banned because of the incident last year but it still couldn’t stop it. Nobody has answered how that happened. It also happened in Australia in 2019.