
Student Corner

The Royal Massacre

Written by: Anshu Niroula - 23009, Grade XI

Posted on: 25 January, 2022

Most of us know about the royal massacre that took place on 1st June, 2001.There are a lot of theories about who designed this huge royal family massacre. Some people say that Prince Dipendra shot his father King Birendra, mother Queen Aishwarya and other seven members of the royal family before shooting himself in the head. Some say prince paras killed the royal family for political reasons. Nobody knows if the people are actually telling the truth.  A great crisis occured  in the country as well as the political system after that. The people’s war was underway and it threatened to topple the government of Nepal.

After this massacre, Late King Birendra’s son Dipendra was appointed as the new king for the short amount of time.He was the king who ruled over our country for the shortest period of time.King dipendra was the king of Nepal for only three days from 1 to 4 june. He was in a terrible condition. He was hanging in the situation of life and death. He was in a coma for four days. After he died, his uncle Gyanendra became the king and took an active role in defending the monarchy. So, basically Nepal had three kings in just four days. Due to these reasons,there was a lot of chaos and it caused  political instability. Everyone was so obsessed with power. They wanted to be the ruler and didn’t think about the betterment of the country. The Maoists demanded for the dissolution of the monarchy which was finally approved in December of 2007. This incident caused a lot of chaos and the political condition of the country was not good.

A lot of investigation had been carried out but the massacre has always remained a mystery. Noone knows about this horrible  incident that took place in the Narayanhiti Palace of Nepal. People still respect the royal family and wish for monarchy.