
Student Corner

“The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night's sleep.” -E.Joseph Cossman

Written by: Sambriddhi Neupane - 23036, Grade XI

Posted on: 24 January, 2022

In today's modern era many of us do not embrace the necessity of adequate sleep. The proverbs and myths that say sleeping is a waste of time are completely a fallacy. A good night's sleep is as important as exercising and eating healthy. Sleep is a vital, often neglected, component of every person's overall health and well-being. Our day-to-day activity is linked with our good sleep. Good sleep helps us to stay more productive, conscious and healthy. A person who gets around 7 hours of sleep is considered to have a better quality of life than the ones who tend to have irregular sleep patterns. The person who gets an adequate amount of sleep is also considered healthy mentally and physically.

Unfortunately, humans are the only mammals who willingly delay sleep that leads to many things such as having anxiety, depression and lack of a quality life that we all want. If we don't get enough sleep we tend to feel groggy at work or school. Feeling groggy means no concentration and no productivity which ultimately leads our life to be wasted. South Korea and Japan are one of the most developed countries across Asia but these countries have the highest number of suicide rates. "Karoshi death", the death due to lack of sleep, is the most common death in Japan. Sleep deprivation and insomnia are the most leading problems seen today across the globe. There may be different reasons for this. Teenagers may indulge themself on social media, adults on working late till midnight and many more. Sleep is as important to the human body as food and water which we are neglecting. We all are scared of facing the consequences/punishments after we make a mistake. Then why aren’t we scared of facing punishment that’s going to harm us not only for days, months but throughout the life that is not getting adequate sleep? It’s appalling to see how hard it has become to sleep today and effortless to be the victim of mental illness, insomnia.

Irregular sleep patterns are the reason for our decline in productivity. Cutting down on sleep and working late doesn't make us any productive. We are not just cutting down on sleep but we are also cutting down on our good mental and physical health, good life on a long-run basis. Better sleep results in a better mood which means having a quality day. Delaying our sleep isn't rewarding but having a healthier sleep routine is. Being productive, happy, having positive energy, and being focused are linked with a good night's sleep. If we don't sleep how will we dream well?

Living under continuous pressure of studies/career may be very frustrating in today's competitive world, that is why many of us are cutting down our sleep. We are decimating our life in a way by doing so. Cutting down sleep doesn't have anything to do with our future, instead getting sleep surely will help. Sleep is not only about closing your eyes, it's about relaxation of your mind and heart. Sleep is also a weapon that helps us fight anxiety, pain, chaos. Who doesn't want a good rest? A rest after facing hectic reality, working on the same desk each day, studying those bulky books and making notes. Sleep helps us to escape the harsh reality we may be facing, not always but maybe for a while. Getting good sleep is the best way one can relax. You need not to move your body as they do in yogas, you need not to lift weights as they do during workouts, all you need to do is lie down. This is how simple it is to relax. So, if you go to bed early and get adequate sleep you'll be thankful to yourself throughout.