
Student Corner

Anne Frank

Written by: Estella Shrestha - 24007, Grade X

Posted on: 24 January, 2022

Annelies Marie Frank was born 12 June, 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany. She was a young Jewish girl who became the victim of Nazis. She became popular and gained fame in 1947 with the publication of “The diary of a young girl”. In her diary she mentions her life in the secret annex, fearing for their lives.

As she lost her citizenship in 1941 and became stateless. The Franks were trapped by May 1940 in Amsterdam, after that they went hiding in concealed rooms. Anne had a diary with her which she had received as a gift, she used to update her daily life and wrote short stories in it. The franks were transferred to concentration camps.


Following the arrest of Anne's family, Miep (one of the Dutch office workers) finds Anne's diary hoping that she will return it to the owner which is Anne after the war. Anne's father survived the Holocaust and after he received confirmation that Margot and Anne, Miep handed him Anne's diary. Father Otto Frank was confused on whether he should publish Anne's thoughts which she wrote in her diary. Father knew about Anne's wish and dream to be a writer. He afterward decided to publish. Anne became famous because of her diary. “The diary of a young girl” was then translated into many different languages and gained a lot of popularity. 


In that diary, she wrote about the experiences, feelings, observations, fear, hopes, and dreams she had including her family and friends. That diary was the only dearest friend she had so she expressed innermost thoughts in her diary. She also wrote about the love she has for her father. She was 13 when she, along with her family went into hiding. Her diary made a strong impact on the world as she has humanized the lost lives of the Nazi regime.