
Student Corner

Craving a Pie

Written by: Prasiddhi Dangol - 28009, Grade VI

Posted on: 21 January, 2022

One day at a pie shop,
I met a man selling food,
For the money, he wanted to swap,
But I really wanted some seafood.

"Got any seafood?" asked I.
"For that's how I'll spend my money."
"No seafood here!" said the guy.
Kind of seemed to find it quite funny.

"We've got some lovely toys,
I'll give you a very fine price."
"I'd rather have some ground noise."
The man blinked rapidly thrice.

The man seemed exceptionally big,
And his manner was strangely amused.
He wasn't what I would call trig,
The great disdain he oozed.

Like everybody, he thought I was odd,
Some say I'm a bit juicy.
Even so, l gave him a courteous nod,
As if he thought I was plenty goosey.

So in search of my goal I went,
But before pie shop that could, I leave,
The man came running heartfelt,
"I can help you I believe."

"Food, seafood, you shall find.
Toys, ground noise, you can get.
You must now open your brain,
And go down to pie Market.

So to pie Market, I decided to go,
In search of the seafood I craved.
The winds it did bizarrely blow.
But I felt that the day could be snatched.

There were stalls selling rings,
Food in many shades.
There were even stalls selling wings
People were scattered through many trades

I was greeted by a strange lady,
She seemed to be rather juicy
I couldn't help sensing she might be quite leafy.
I wondered if she was at all goosey.

Even, ahead of that, I could open my mouth,
She shouted, "For you, I have some seafood!"
I headed towards her, to the north,
Past some toys and food.

"But how did you know?" I asked,
"Do you want them or not?" she did say.
Silently, the seafood she passed.
But vanished before I could pay.

As I ambled away, I heard a crackle
Or was it, perhaps, a skinned cackle?