
Student Corner

Helen Keller

Written by: Yunil Ghimire - 24008, Grade X

Posted on: 20 January, 2022

Helen Keller was a famous author, a speaker and a political activist. She has given many motivational speeches about the condition of people with disabilities. Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia, Alabama. When she was nineteen month old she lost her hearing and sight. Later when she reached the age of seven she met her teacher, Anne Sullivan who taught her reading and writing. After she attended Radcliffe College of Harvard University, she became the first deafblind person to get a degree of Bachelor of Arts.

At the age of eleven Helen wrote a book named the frost king. Later at the age of twenty two, Helen wrote her autobiography “The Story of My Life”. She wrote her autobiography upto age twenty one. In 1908 AD she wrote “The World I live In” which let the readers know how she saw the world. Later on Keller became a famous author and was also a voice for the people with disabilities. She went to many countries and gave many motivational speeches. She also founded the Helen Keller Organization. It is also known as the HKI organization. The priorities of HKI organization is to save the sights of people, sharing knowledge, to treat malnourished people, etc. She also used to give many speeches about women's rights and she also used to talk about how war affects people lifes. In 1924 AD Helen joined AFB “American Foundation for the Blinds”. It is an organization which works to help people with vision loss. Her reputation helped AFB to collect many funds from wealthy people which helps to treat people with vision loss. She worked in the American Foundation for the Blinds for more than forty years and also helped collect many funds for the organization after she left AFB.

Because of her work she has been awarded many times. The story of Helen Keller has motivated people with disabilities like how a deafblind girl became a world famous author, political activist and a speaker. In 1961 AD Helen suffered strokes and later she spent the rest of her life at her home. She later sadly passed away in her sleep on June 1, 1968 at the age of eighty seven. Even after her death people with disabilities keep on getting motivation after they learned about her life.