
Student Corner

Art exhibition

Written by: Niharika Shrestha - 2022022, Grade XII

Posted on: 18 January, 2022

Everyone has different talents and skills,it's all up to them to find one.After they find what their interest and skill is they can learn and upgrade their talents. It is important to have some hobbies and is a perfect way to utilize our free time. Pursuing our hobbies makes us relaxed and entertained. It is important to spare some time for ourselves once in a while and do the things we enjoy. Everyone has a very hectic schedule and we barely get any free time. Hobbies help us manage our stress and are important for our mental health.

Talking about me, I have numerous hobbies. I like to art, travel ,play basketball and many more. So, I got an opportunity to showcase my hobby. Our college organized an art exhibition happening from January 14 at Nepal Art Council, Babarmahal. Even though I've never taken any art classes, I was always interested in arts. I was confused whether I should participate or not. But I thought it was the perfect opportunity to enhance my art skills so I participated. First, we had to show our art works to the art teacher to participate in the art exhibition. I showed some of my art that I had made in the past and luckily got selected. I started planning on art and shared my ideas with the art teacher. We had to come to school during the first week of winter vacation to complete our art. I planned on making something related to Nepal and our culture. So, I made an art about Indra jatra. It is an important jatra celebrated in Nepal as well as in our Newari community. It was not as easy as I thought. I had the concept on my mind but it was difficult to do it on paper. I had to practice a lot before doing it on the final paper. It was my first time doing art on a French cartridge paper so I was excited but nervous at the same time. I used poster colour for my art. It took me a week to complete it. I made Kumari, Lakhe, Pulu Kusi and a temple. It was very hard to complete it and I was already losing some hope. But I was very happy with the final product. We had to frame the art as well. It was my first experience doing something like this. So, it was worth it.

This was a great opportunity to learn new things about art and enhance my skills. It made me even more motivated to continue doing arts in my free time. It also taught me about time management and dedication. It is also important to have patience while doing art work. The art doesn't become perfect in the first go, there will be a lot of tries for it to be perfect. Hobbies are all about our interests. Once we are interested in doing something, we never get bored no matter how long it takes. So, it is always a great idea to utilize our time doing the things we love. It gives us pleasure and keeps us motivated in some way. So, this art exhibition is something that I'll forever cherish in my life.