
Student Corner


Written by: Om Thapa - 23053, Grade XI

Posted on: 18 January, 2022

Many computer viruses have been produced throughout the years for various purposes by hackers, developers, military, and others. Trojan Horse is one of the most well-known viruses. A Trojan horse is a virus or malicious software that is hidden in software or a file that the user requires and seems to be legitimate to use.
The Trojan horse's concept is derived from Greek mythology's Trojan War. During the fight between the Greeks and the Trojans, the Greeks built a massive wooden horse as a gift to Troy and informed the Trojans that they were withdrawing. The gift from the Greeks was welcomed by Troy and taken within the City of Troy. The night after the wooden horse was transported into the city, Greek troops emerged from it and unlocked the gate for additional soldiers who were said to be retreating. That day, the Trojans were defeated by the Greeks.
Similarly, useful files and software for users are made available on the internet, and when the user opens the file or software, the virus within it begins harming the user's device and starts splitting itself inside many other files. There are six (6) types of trojans viruses. They are Backdoor trojans, Exploit trojans, Rootkit trojans, Banker trojans, DDoS trojans, downloader trojans. According to Kaspersky antivirus, the Backdoor trojan is the most dangerous among the trojans because with the help of backdoor trojans the hackers can access the user’s computer and can upload, download and execute files which will make it easier for hackers to steal user’s information. 
If you have a trojan in your computer your computer will run slower than usual, some programs won’t initiate which used to work previously, pop ups and spam interruptions. To prevent trojan horse threats, never download or install software from unknown sources, keeping all software and antivirus on your computer up to date.