
Student Corner

Make a change

Written by: Manisha Gurung - 2022030, Grade XII

Posted on: 17 January, 2022

What is Change? Well, Change means to replace one thing for another or to become different or change is something new. If everything remains the same for a very long time, life would become quite dull and monotonous, and it is a real human nature to feel bored of something very quickly and demand something new and exciting. It is often the need of human beings to change their mind and deal with something in a different manner to make your life a bit exciting. I strongly believe that people should purposely make changes in their life, to experience new and unique things, to make life exciting, enjoyable and to see how one can benefit from doing things differently.  If you have noticed most of the time, people will find that changes help them understand things better, and enjoy life more, because changes allow people to grow, not only mentally, but also physically and emotionally.

Sometimes we may think our friends, family, relatives are not supporting us, they are not understanding us, but if you believe in yourself then, it doesn’t matter whether the people are with you or not. And I also believe that one doesn’t need anybody in their life to make a change, to heal, to know oneself, this is engraved within you and starts from you. Change can be anything. It is not necessary to make a great change that can change your life in a second. Start with small tasks and never give up. It all starts with you and how you feel about yourself. We, humans, are very clever to make excuses and that is the main reason why we are not able to make a change because change completely depends on you. So, if you want to be the happiest person in your life, you must change yourself towards a positive route.

I know it’s very difficult to apply in our life, people can tell us you’re too young to understand to make a change but just wake up and do something that you can do.  Life is a game for everyone on this planet, so just play without thinking about the result. Make your dreams a beginning point even when you lose, treat your heart like you win. Improve yourself because you can’t do the same things and expect change.
But it’s very tough to decide on where and how to start. So, I suggest you don't make any plans, just do it. And wait, remember change is hard at the first phase, messy in the middle phase, and gorgeous at the end. Upgrade your habits and think positive.