
Student Corner

1600 a day, 584000 a year. Why?

Written by: Shashwot Poudyal - 23029, Grade XI

Posted on: 17 January, 2022

Every day an average of 1600 people out-migrate from Nepal which equals 584000 each year. Around 431000 students passed grade 12 in the year 2077 and there were 21374 requests to the ministry of passport for student visas in prospect for the undergraduate studies in the very year. It states that 3.6% of Nepalese students are to leave the country immediately after their basic level schooling. There were 32481 requests to the ministry of passport for the prospect of postgraduate studies in the year 2077. As of today around 3 million Nepalese are working abroad which equals 10% of the nation’s total population and about 300 thousands Nepalese students are studying abroad as per the records. But why almost one seventh of Nepal’s population is abroad and why are 270000 people applying for DV every year. Why?

Nepal is a developing country and it’s normal for people to look for opportunities that will make their life easier and to hunt them. Completely drowned in the muds of corruption, it’s a nightmare for the common people to gain opportunities in this land. Nepal is a nation holding a loan of 14359 million USD with no traces of payable progress.66% of Nepal’s population is involved in agriculture but yet Nepal cannot produce enough to feed its population of 29878958. Still 5 million of the national population lives under extreme poverty and the rankings of relative poverty lie among the worst in the world. An average of 9 rapes, estimation of 13 human trafficked and 9 murders a day is the social condition of Nepal. The best university of Nepal the `Kathmandu University’ lies at a position of 3077 in the world. It’s not a choice for many but is a compulsion for the people to migrate to fill their and their family’s stomach. To provide their children’s better education and free their hand from some sort of slavery. To be capable of enjoying festivals and to be capable of living inside a house. Staying in Nepal became a mere dream to many. Tears must have rolled through the cheeks of many but still it was a compulsion not a choice and they were forced to migrate from the nation to make their livelihood. National industries of Nepal got no support from the consumers nor from the government which made it extremely competitive against the multinational companies which entered the national market. Unstable Labor policies made it choking the established industries every single year leading to their collapses. Local goods were harshly neglected by the local people and though they had value in the international market, trade policies made it difficult to export them. Since the industrial condition itself was choking the employment status also had to be choking.

The best option that arose out of all these situations was to move abroad and to earn a livelihood which is why we witness such long lines in front of the passport office every office day. How long can a hungry stomach keep a person with a bony hand who lacks the visa to gulf? From the governing body to the common people to the victims themselves, all were responsible for this drain. A word we all felt proud to say `imported’ is the reason why the industries collapsed and an ego termed `we won the world what do we lack’. Is what made us attack the doctors and frontline workers during the covid times when they were waking us and the disrespect we gave to the profession is the reason why working boldly is such heart paining in this nation. 1600 a day, 584000 a year.The reason is parents can’t see their child weeping for food and the child can’t imagine not standing the dreams sown by their parents with such sacrifices.