
Student Corner


Written by: Manip Maharjan - 23026, Grade XI

Posted on: 14 January, 2022

The word Cherokee comes from the Creek word meaning people of different speech . They were hunter gatherers who used to live in the south east part of the country of America .It is estimated that their tribe was started around 8000 B.C and their language was estimated to be created around 1000 B.C. When the first European settlers arrived in the Americas the Cherokee people used to live  in the south east part of the country which is now the state of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee. They used to live in Wattle and daub homes made out of wood and other material such as soil , etc.

Cherokee people were social people with well developed society and villages and even had various towns and acted more like a country then just a tribe. They even had a hierarchy among them . The leader of a village was called a war chief whereas the leader of the whole chief of the villages was called the supreme war chief . It could be said that they were like the modern equivalent of a mayor and the president .They even had a unique way of life rather than being just hunters and gatherers and even developed their own form of language ,art and tradition.


The Cherokee people were advanced people with their own language , customs , tradition , and their form of art .Their language is called the Cherokee or the Tsalagi language and this language is not widely spoken by today's Cherokee people and it is close to extinction and only 2100 people can speak this language . Cherokee people's foods were pretty much primitive since they were hunter gatherers and they were limited to many foods and they didn't have the commodity of pizzas or burgers. It also grew crops such as corn, beans, and squash and they also hunted and gathers fruits such as bears , deers , berries ,etc


In a nutshell , the Cherokee people were advanced people for their time and they even developed their own culture , tradition , language and art from the ground up and had shown signs of cooperation between them and had complex societies.