
Student Corner

Importance of Relationships

Written by: Aarav B.C - 25001, Grade IX

Posted on: 12 January, 2022

Once there were two best friends, Jack and Harry. They were really close to each other. They were like brothers. Jack was a type of person who was well mannered. He respected everyone, he talked politely with everyone. Everyone really liked him. But due to his kindness he used to get bullied a lot in school and Harry was the one who always saved him from the bullies. Harry was a type of person who was not well mannered. He did not respect anyone except Jack. He used to talk rudely with others. And this was all the fault of his parents who did not care about him. They wished that he had not been born at all. They only cared about their other daughter Cynthia. They thought of Harry that way because he was good at nothing except fighting and doing naughty things. Harry really hated his parents.

Whereas Jack’s parents were really good and kind just like Jack, Harry also used to respect them a lot. One day Harry got into big trouble. He had broken a boy’s nose. His parents had to pay for all the medical expenses of the boy and after that they were so angry that they kicked Harry out the house. Harry decided that he would work really hard, he would start studying. He decided to change. So he asked Jack for help. Jack was ready to help. Jack asked Harry to make a promise to him that from now on he would behave well, talk politely and will not fight. Harry agreed to that. From that day on Harry really was changing. Although he still got into minor troubles everyone could see the change in him. His grades were going up so the teachers were really happy with him, he also started behaving properly. And soon Jack and Harry had the same characteristics. Both were really kind, both were equally good at studies and sports.

After a few years they completed their studies and started working. Jack became a very high ranking police officer and Harry was a CEO of a bank. Their hard work really paid off. One day Harry’s mother and father were there to see Harry. He was so angry at them that he did not want to see them but they were the parents that gave birth to him so he decided to meet them. They said that they had no money with them. They were at a huge loss. They had many loans to pay. After Cynthia got married she stopped sending them money so they were facing a big problem. Even Though Harry wanted to help he couldn’t, he remembered how they used to treat him, how they threw him out of the house. So he said he was not willing to help them.

Harry shared this incident with Jack. Jack told Harry that whatever they did to you in the past was not good. It was very bad for a parent to do something like that to their child but they are his parents. You should not do the same thing that they did to you. Otherwise what would be the difference between you and them? This question moved Harry.It touched his heart. So the next day he called his parents and cleared all of their loans. He also said that he would send some money to them monthly. Harry’s parents moved to tears after that. They told him that they were so glad and happy that Harry was their son and they were really really sorry for what they did to him in the past..