
Student Corner

Simple Things that amused me but now not. Why? Well, the answer is simple: Science

Written by: Rakshit Dahal - 22023, Grade XII

Posted on: 10 January, 2022

Ever since I was a kid, I used to get amused by simple things - even now. I am all grown up but still, I am amused by little things until I meet science. I remember this event when I was a kid on my dad’s bike. I was seated between my mom and dad and then this uphill came and the bike just accelerated all the way up that graveled road with zero effort. And my little mind could not process but be amazed at how incredible the machine was to drive all the way up with three people on it. And how could I not be amazed when the only thing my dad was doing was rotating his wrist a bit on the accelerator. If anyone would have said it was magic, I would have probably believed it with zero questions.  But now I am 17 years old with science as a major subject in my high school year. I recently learned about the Diesel Engine and Petrol Engine. But even after reading the whole chapter the engine still amuses me, not on how it worked but how the human mind had the capacity to build something so small yet so strong. If we think a bit too deep everything around us-  our phone, laptop, induction heater, washing machine, fridge, and whatnot is just made from the raw materials found on earth like rocks and steel. The human mind has the capacity to turn simple silicon that is found in rocks and sand into a chip that has the potential to do infinite work. We have come a long way just within a decade, the maximum population of the world switched from keypad phones to smartphones. Everything is on the tip of our fingers. Most of the countries are living digitally, if anyone would have told me it was possible to know the face structure and body type using only a strain of my hair or with the help of my teeth, no one would have believed me. But here we are 15 years ahead. And all of this has been possible with the great success we have achieved in science. Over all these years we have gained unimaginable things, thanks to all those incredible minds that dedicated their lives to create the world we live in today. Not only do we know about the world we live in but we even happen to know about the universe, the galaxy we live in. We even know about the scary things that could possibly be outside this world. The world seemed small 2 decades ago, not just a global village with data and information flowing constantly every nanosecond.

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. ― Marie Curie