
Student Corner

Patience leads to good result

Written by: Angel Dhimal - 25002, Grade IX

Posted on: 24 December, 2021

Once there was a girl named Alisha. She lived in a small village in Morang. She loved dancing. She was studying in a small village school. There she met her dance teacher whom she called gurumaa. Alisha had a dancing class in school where she would learn dancing. She loved dancing very much. Everytime she got free time she would dance. One day while returning from school she saw a huge crowd. She saw a girl with medals and a garland. People were appreciating her and putting her garlands and tika on her. Alisha was very surprised. From a stranger from the crowd she got to know that the girl had won the best dancer competition. She had become the winner from the village and made her parents and village proud so everyone was showering her with love and appreciation. Alisha was very surprised to hear that. After that incident she was very surprised and now she had dreamt to be in that place every day. Every night she always used to think how it would feel being in that position. After that day dancing was not just for fun to her it became  her passion.

Her guruma helped her with dancing. Her parents were supportive too but the villagers never believed in her. they never praised her for her good dancing instead they always used to taunt her and her parents. They said that they would regret not listening to them. Their daughter would never succeed. Many villagers used to say that but she always ignored them and practiced day and night whenever she got the chance to do so. Her parents also always supported her. One day her teacher introduced her to the upcoming dance competition. Alisha was very excited and she had practiced hard for the competition. They both went where the competition was being held. She danced very well but the judge was not satisfied because of her performance. They said that her dancing style was very old. She was very sad and returned home. The villagers were laughing at her failure. But she didn't give up. She practiced very hard. She went to a dance academy to learn new steps and styles of dances. There she met one judge who was teaching dance. She requested him to tutor her and told him about how badly she wanted to win. He was very touched by her words. He agreed to teach her. After that day she had a new mentor. Her teacher was very touched by seeing her dedication to dance. She learned many new steps. She focused on dancing as well and her studies. After many months of practice she went to that competition again. There she gave her hundred percent.

Everyone was very shocked to see a huge change in her. She was selected and obviously after a few months there was a finale where she was able to reach. Many villagers supported her but still some of them still thought she wouldn't make it. It was the time to announce the winner and there it said, the winner is “Alish!”. She was very happy. Her parents were proud of her. Her dance mentor was very happy. Those villagers who didn't support her had come to put garland at home. Coming home surrounded by everyone appreciating her putting tika and garland on her, she was very happy. Her dream came true. She remembered the girl who was standing in the same place where she was currently standing. She was proud of herself and her dedication.