
Student Corner


Written by: Pratyush Chapagain - 23033, Grade XI

Posted on: 21 December, 2021

The term “homosexuality” refers to the experience of exclusive or nearly exclusive erotic preference for others of the same sex in fantasy and, characteristically, through realization of sexual intimacy with others of the same sex. Nepal is the first country in south Asia which recognizes transgender identities. In 2007 December 21st supreme court of Nepal gave a verdict in favor of LGBTQ+ community members. Though they got their legal identity still in Nepal it is taken as a social taboo.
There are lots of unbroken stereotypes in our society on homosexuality. Even the current situation of health sector contains many barriers that prevents target group from fully accessing and utilizing health services, geography, one’s social, cultural/religious and economic status, discrimination by health service providers, inadequate flow of information, believes in traditional healing methods and ineffective health programs and services. The nature of the violence faced by lesbian women and gays starts from family. Family stands as the the site of violence for most women and most of the gays, since it is where restriction is exerted over a woman’s sexuality and male sexual orientation, mobility, and access to resources. The extent of control ranged from silence to punishment, with emotional violence being the result of the family’s non-acceptance of the woman’s and men's sexuality and the attempt to control him/her. Families often kept the sexual orientation secret because of fear of shame and stigma as it is taken as social taboo. Lesbian women and gay men reported suppressing their identities, or disclosing in non-explicit ways, because of the fears of loss of family and violent consequences. The violence that they faced led them to experience guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. In 2012, three UN Special Rapporteurs issued a joint communication on a case where women and LGBTQ+ human rights defenders faced intimidation of and threats against, as a result of their support of a victim of domestic violence, following his/her self-identification as a lesbians or gay. 
To pay respect to all the homosexual people we celebrate “ the pride month. Justifying the subject we should love and respect to all the homosexual people, lets not get bonded with our century old stereotype, even our religion give the liberty for homosexuality Mohini is the only female avataar of Vishnu, who exhibits gender variability, in one case even becoming pregnant (Vishnu as Mohini and the Preserver even procreates with Shiva, the designated Destroyer to give birth to Lord Ayyappa). Each time Vishnu, in his role as the protector of the universe, took the feminine form of the divine enchantress Mohini, the world got saved. Vishnu becomes Mohini when gender-adaptability (here it’s not masculinity but femininity)  is called for, to solve a problem. Beyond the role of the savior, the implications in dual-genderism and fluid sexuality are more analogical, wherein each person lies in the male and the female.
Courtesy: Indian express, tbinternet.ohchr.org