
Student Corner

Believe in Yourself

Written by: Prakarsha Tabdar - 25010, Grade IX

Posted on: 21 December, 2021

There once was a small and peaceful village near a jungle. People of the village are also very helpful and co-operative. There also lived a boy named Sam who was 15 years old. He was good in his studies and always used to finish his assignments on time. He had a goal to make robots and be acknowledged by everyone. One day he talked about how he wanted to make a robot. His parents alo thought it was a good idea and gave him money to buy the important things needed for a robot.

He started to make a robot and it was completed after 1 month. But it didn't go the way he wanted. It did not function and that disappointed him. He was planning to quit but his parents encouraged him that he should not quit and work harder. After hearing from his parents he decided that he would not quit and work even harder. Then he again started making something. He told his friends about his idea and the friends decided to help him. They all worked together and made a remote control car. It took them 3 months to make it. They were happy when the car functioned. 

Then Sam decided that everything is possible and he started to make robots on his own. Days passed and  he started making more developed robots until the day he was acknowledged by everyone. The moral of the story is that we should never give up on our dreams and keep moving forward.