
Student Corner

Seeing Opportunities in Obstacles

Written by: Himani Bhattarai - 24011, Grade X

Posted on: 20 December, 2021

Nicole was a girl who was born in a very poor family. She lived in New york. Her family had to work overtime just to provide her education.Their life was getting complicated day by day as Nicole was getting older and they had to fulfill her needs and provide her quality education. After some time Nicole’s parents had to do multiple jobs in order to run the family. Things got even more complicated.

After Nicole became old enough to understand her family’s problem she decided to quit her studies. Her parents denied and even had an argument with her. Nicole tried to convince her parents time and again, but it didn’t work. Her parents promised to take full responsibility until she became independent and responsible. After a few months, Nicole again tried to convince her parents. This time she said that she only wanted books and she would study by herself. They denied at the beginning as Nicole was not that good in her studies. She used to get distracted very easily while working on something. She tried convincing more and more. Seeing Nicole being stubborn her mother got very irritated and angry. She yelled at her and asked her to follow what their parents told. Nicole had never seen her mom getting this angry. After some time her parents talked about it and decided to let Nicole quit her studies. They agreed under one condition that Nicole could study by herself for 1 year and if she couldn’t focus she would have to go back to school. Nicole then started studying by herself. She never paid much attention in the class so she had to begin everything from the very beginning. After a few days, she started regretting her decision. She couldn’t understand anything. One day she saw her parents struggling to get groceries due to lack of money. This made her very sad and she decided to do whatever she can in order to be successful and help her parents financially. After studying for about 3 months she decided to give up on her studies. She didn’t tell her parents about this. After giving up on her studies she decided to start up her small business. She started collecting beads, pearls and recycled her mom’s old jewelleries which were of no use. She cleaned and even polished the pearls and started making jewelleries. In her first attempt she failed. She went in the streets and asked people if they wanted to buy it. Most of them denied, some of them even made fun of her jwelleries. She even asked some of her friends to give her their old jewellery. Most of them did so. She tried selling those again but none of them were sold. One of her friends even demotivated Nicole. She stated that it was her parents' fault that they were poor. She bragged about her family for being rich. She was almost about to give up, but suddenly one woman came towards her and bought some jewellery. Soon more and more customers came by and all of her jwelleries was sold after about 10 days. She made some money out of it and bought some more supplies. She continued selling those jewelleries and made some money. After about 9 months she was able to buy a store and start up her small business a bit more professionally. After this her family never struggled to fulfill their needs. Eventually, she began going back to school.