
Student Corner

The Sea full of Pirates

Written by: Yunil Ghimire - 24008, Grade X

Posted on: 14 December, 2021

Around two thousand years ago the era of pirates started. Pirates used to go everywhere around the big sea trying to find the treasure. But there is a place at the sea where every pirate is scared to go. To reach that place there is a fifty fifty chance that you will either survive or die. That place was known as “The great sea”. To reach that place you need to go through a tornado, a giant sea creature which was never seen in the normal ocean. The rumour says that there is a Kraken and if it sees you there is a 50% chance that you will be alive. That Kraken will try to stop you from entering “The Great Sea” but if you make him happy with a gift you gave he will let you enter. “The Great Sea” is actually surrounded by a giant wall and to enter there you need to ride a path of water which moves upward. It doesn't even make sense like water going upwards and on the other side water was flowing downside. In this weird world there is a superpower which can be obtained from a rare glowing plant which will randomly spawn in different places of the world. This candy will give you superhuman powers.

After 20 years had passed by, a guy named Robert Cliff somehow entered “The Great Sea '' at the age of 30. When he went there he saw a new world. There were people who lived there and were making the giant sea creatures work. All of the people who lived there wore different clothes than the world outside. They have people as a servant with them who were kidnapped from outside “The Great Sea ''. They used to beat them so badly, made them work and the worst thing is that they would tell the people to carry them on their back and move them around the city. If that person cannot do as they want they would get killed. At that place Robert and his crew then learned about how the world inside there was running. When he learned how the world was inside there he came back and tried to form an alliance with the strongest pirates of the world but all of them refused to believe it. Later his crew disbanded and all of them went their own way. Then Robert went to his village and got married and also had a baby boy. His name was Roben Cliff. Robert used to tell his stories how he got there and see how the world inside was there. When Roben was growing up he used to tell the other kids that his father is a very big pirate who knows what is inside “The Great Sea ''. He used to act like he is bigger and stronger than every other kid in the town. At the age of six one day when he was playing he saw a plant  shining in the jungle. When he reached there and saw that it was a plant and without even thinking he took it to his dad's place as a gift for his dad. When he reached home and showed it to his dad and the dad got shocked, how did this six years old child get the glowing plants which will give you superpowers. This kid also got one of the strongest one. When someone is able to use this the person can turn into Titanoboa and can turn back into human too. It was a great power for a pirate to use if he can become one in future. Robert then feed it to his son saying it will help you get stronger and Roben eat that. His dad trains him to shift into titanoboa and control the power for ten years.

When Roben reached 25 years old  also decided to be a pirate like his dad and went for the journey to see what is inside of “The Great Sea ''.  His dad Robert bought him a big ship and he alone went for the journey to find some crewmates. He found around 15 strong crewmates after six month roaming around the sea. He found 5 snipers, a navigator, 6 swordsmen, a cook, a doctor and the last person he found had eaten the candy which gave him power to be a giant person. He and his crewmate roam around the whole sea trying to fight many strong pirates. They fought with many and defeated many pirates. They spent five years in the sea and have become the strongest pirate group of the sea. When they reached the place where the sea is filled with tornado Roben turned into titanoboa and showed his crew and other pirates the safe way how they can pass the sea filled with tornado. Later when they met Kraken they all decided to give many gifts to Kraken. The Roben crew gave the Kraken a group of dead whales for him to eat. Kraken took that with a happy face and let other pirate crew go without taking their gift. When all the seven pirate crew entered “ The Great Sea” they saw the exact thing Robert Cliff said: the world there was very cruel. They got so mad by seeing the people behave like animals and making the victims do things which were near to impossible and killing them just for fun. After all of them saw what they did, all the seven pirate crew started war against the people of “The Great Sea”.

After three straight days of war they finally managed to capture the land and the people of “The Great Sea”. Then all of the seven pirate crew decided to name that sea “ Utopia”. They then left with all the treasure they found from there. When they returned there was already big news saying that a group of pirates had entered “The Great Sea” and captured it. After this news went worldwide all the pirates went to attack these groups of pirates to obtain the legendary treasure they got from inside of “The Great Sea”. And later on these pirate groups were called as the emperor of the sea and all the pirates were afraid of them.