
Student Corner

Sister’s love

Written by: Prisha Acharya - 29040, Grade V

Posted on: 14 December, 2021

There were two sisters named Diana and Claire. Diana was five and Claira was eight. Claria was brave, whenever they faced any problem, Claria was the one who was supposed to solve it. One day when Diana was buying ice cream for her and her sister, one bully boy came and snatched the ice cream and started bullying her. Diana started to cry. When Claire saw that she came and gave a tight slap to that boy and took back her ice cream. The bully boy cried and ran away, the two sisters laughed. 
One day when Claria and Diana were playing “Catch the ball” and the ball went on the roof of the house. Diana started to climb the roof to get the ball out. Then, Claira stopped her because she did not want her little sister to get hurt so, she decided to climb the stairs and reach the roof safely but unfortunately, when she was coming down from the stairs, her left leg slipped and she fell from the stairs. Her head got bang on the big stone. Claira became unconscious. Diana got scared and called her parents. The parents immediately took Claira to the hospital.  Claira got unconscious for many days. The doctor said she was in “Coma”. The parents and Diana were sad and worried. They prayed for her. Diana cried for many days and she did not leave her sister for a single second. Finally, after 6 months Claira came back to her consciousness but unfortunately, she did not recognize her family members. She lost her memory. The parents and Diana tried their best to bring her memory back. Finally, after three months Claira recognized her sister and family. The two sisters hugged each other and cried for a long time and they wiped each other’s tears and smiled. The parents also came and hugged their daughters. Everything got normal and they lived happily.