
Student Corner


Written by: Jiya Sapkota - 25003, Grade IX

Posted on: 13 December, 2021

I looked at my result papers and saw that I got an A+. I was happy and I was finally satisfied. Remembering a few years back, things were different. But now I got what I wanted, the goal - I had always dreamt of. Only because of “patience”.

I was a good student, wanting to follow my dreams. I was like the ideal student that everybody praised. I participated in everything, everytime. But then, things changed after I moved across the country with my family, I had to change schools and my routine completely changed. I was trying, trying to keep myself calm and return back to the same old “ideal” student. But, I met some people who were there for me, but were technically spoiling me. Kai was my best friend who would give me money, Kat was Kai's sister who would take me to clubs and finally Archie was the one who introduced me to drugs and drinks. I was in my senior year of high school and completely spoiled. I did not care about anything and had already given up on my dreams. I was not the good kid any more, neither did I want to be. I was Addicted and never wanted to get out of it. I would go around with those tight ripped jeans, bunk classes, chant slangs and technically smoke too. But one day, my dad called me. He was my only parent and the person I loved the most. He looked towards me and said, “Oh look at you". I was confused because he’d always let me do whatever I wanted. This time was different, he started shouting at me instead. “Valerie, did you even think of me and yourself when you started doing these? Did you think how hurt I would be seeing you in this state and position right now? Your mum left and my son? He’s naive and knows nothing at all. You were my only hope but then you turned out like this. I was trying not to let it out but I have been silent for too long and have had enough.” These words shattered me, and he was still shouting and pouring his thoughts and heart. But I realised how I changed, how I stopped caring, how I was not patient anymore and was so desperate to be spoiled this fast? I realised all those wrong doings I did. I silently wept and went back to my room knowing exactly nothing.

It's almost 1 year since that incident or “the phase” that i had gone through. My senior year ended so I moved somewhere else, alone. I tried to find out what the problem was. I realised them and my only motive was to get out of it. Now I am here, 9 months free of smoke and drugs. I failed every subject in senior year so I was motivated to repeat senior year of high school, thinking that I would and rock it. I could have ended it all and be back to my old self. I was frustrated and on the verge of giving up. But I was fighting for myself so I held back and filled myself with patience. My dad stated how proud he was of me.I was changing, that's what time does, isn't it? Don't we grow out of those silly things we did and regret it first of all and then learn it, try to be better? I did the same, I had patience so  I was able to succeed. I was able to acknowledge myself. I overcame that phase of my life that completely changed me, and I changed again, but this time for the better and I am better than ever.