
Student Corner

Cyber Security

Written by: Aryan Regmi - 30037, Grade IV

Posted on: 09 December, 2021

Nowadays, everything revolves around the internet and technology. Even students learn through the internet. We do research work, bank work, submit assignments, connect with family and relatives through the internet. It makes our life easy and comfortable. However, we need to be careful while using the internet. If we become irresponsible, the internet might ruin our life. We must take the following steps to save our life from the world of the internet. 
1) Always use a strong password.
2) Do not trust the internet every time.
3) Think before you send anything.
4) We should not talk to strangers.
5) Do not click on random links.
6) We should not share phone numbers, addresses and personal information with strangers.
7) Do not accept friend requests if you do not know them.