
Student Corner


Written by: Snighda Chaudhary - 30047, Grade IV

Posted on: 08 December, 2021

Ptah was the god of Egypt and a protector of artisans and architects. He is known as Sekhmet's husband and Nefertem's father. Sekmeth was a goddess of war and healing. Ptah was the king of Truth and Eternity. In Egyptian mythology, Ptah was known as the chief deity of the ancient city of Memphis.
The path of the Egyptian goddess who convinced the world and made it possible with the creative power of speech. Like many gods of ancient Egypt, it takes many forms. He is sometimes portrayed as thin, naked and crippled. The Ptah is generally represented by an image of a man with dark skin, composed of a cloth attached to the skin, wearing a divine beard, and holding a sceptre encompassing the three most powerful symbols of ancient Egyptian religion: of God: power, health and stability.