
Student Corner

The Noname Director Steve

Written by: Simone Shree Pathak - 24006, Grade IX

Posted on: 06 December, 2021

In the outskirts of Manhattan lived a man named Steve. Steve was a very peculiar person. He was a movie director by profession. He wished to be famous. Yes, you guessed it; he wasn’t popular in the movie industry. Steve was just a no name. He wanted to prove his worth to the industry and make his name. He only had one issue that was hindering him from reaching his goal. He was very stubborn. Steve believed in making non-commercialized films and he was dead set on it. The reason for it was still unknown. Nobody watched Steve’s movie even if he had the talent for it.

That way, Steve was still in the pit of the industry trying to climb up the ladders without identifying his problems. His friends and family constantly told him that non commercialized movies weren’t going to take him anywhere but he didn’t even care about that. His friends who studied in the same major as him grew up to be famous directors but he was just the same, waiting for his chance to shine not knowing when it would come.

One day, one of the famous actresses named Claudette invited Steve to her new movie premiere. Steve, not knowing the reason why she invited him still goes to the movie premiere in the end to be left astonished. The movie was amazing and Claudette’s acting was flawless. He felt the urge of wanting to work with her. After the movie premiere ended, Steve directly headed to Claudette who was at that time receiving praises from the other people who came there to the movie premiere.

Claudette notices Steve and she goes up to him telling to come to the parking lot. Steve agrees and when they reach there; he asks her to star in his movie. Claudette immediately agrees to his proposal as if she was waiting for it. Steve who yelled with joy is later disappointed because Claudette wanted to add a condition. She did not want the movie to be a non commercialized one.

Steve says he needs some time to think and Claudette gets a little angry. She tells him how he should stop being so stubborn when he was just a no name of a director. She adds how he’ll never be famous and will be at the bottom of the pit forever if he never stops being arrogant. Steve’s pride gets hurt because no one was so harsh at his decision to continue making non-commercial movies. Steve thinks for a whole week about whether he should work with Claudette. He later is left with no choice and decides to film a movie with her.

The movie would be about a girl who lived in the countryside with no past memories. The movie took around 4 months to make and it was later released. The movie did very well. Claudette was a flawless actress and Steve wasn’t a bad director he just needed a spotlight to showcase his talent. The movie was called “Concealed” and it earned very well. Steve has now become one of the most famous directors in Hollywood. But sometimes he still wonders if he should just go back to being a non commercialized movie director.