
Student Corner

Failure is success in progress

Written by: Muskan Singh - 24003, Grade X

Posted on: 03 December, 2021

Normally the day started with the alarm and then followed by the usual daily routine. I went to the hospital and my husband went to his NGO. Then when I was coming back I saw a teenage boy who was going to commit sucide by jumping from the bridge. I pulled him down and asked him the reason behind this drastic step. He started to cry and ran from there. After a lot of effort I caught him and questioned that again. Although this time he didn’ ran away like that, but asked me for some water. Unfortunately I didn’t have it right then, so I couldn’t give him.

Nevertheless I was able to calm him down. I took him to a cafe and Finally he revealed what had happened. “Sis, I don’t know what to do, I just can’t see the way or future in front of me, it's just dark. I seriously can’t handle this all, I am done with it.”he said. Although I tried to console him  and tried to know why he was so disturbed?, “ I am a bachelors student and I have been trying to clear the course for 3 years although I am not able to complete it. Maybe I am not eligible for it, my parents feel I am a burden to them after knowing this and I couldn’t face them”.

“So do you want to end your life for it, look buddy, life is a journey where you face hurdles but we should run from them because it's not the solution.” I said to him, “ I am a specialized  doctor  now but to come to this position it took me much time.. I want to do MBBS and aim to be a doctor. But my parents didn’t have much money then for my studies so I did a part time job. It was not easy to handle the studies and the job side by side but I worked hard as I knew my parents have contributed a lot for me and I cannot be a disappointment for them.”

Then he asked whether my dream had become reality. Then I explained that it was not easy as I couldn’t pass the entrance exam with good grades as I wanted a scholarship so I tried for almost two years for it, at that time many hurdles came. Sometimes I feel like,  Can I really be a doctor?, but in all this I learnt to be patient because if I had lost it then maybe all my hard work, effort and my parents' contribution had been useless. I just gave my 100% and believed in myself that I can do it.

After I passed the entrance exam with a scholarship. And in a few years I completed my MBBS course. After completing it I felt I am a really good doctor and superior in this field as I had done many successful operations. But there was one case which was really complex. I also had a hard time dealing with it but an intern did that operation really easily and successfully. Although the patient was safe it hurt my ego as I had been working in this field for so many years. How an intern can do  the surgery so smoothly which was complex  for me too! Then I got to learn that he has been learning a new method to do that operation in a simple manner. On that day I learned that staying updated is really important, else it doesn't matter how many years you have contributed for it, at last you will surely be left behind. “So boy it's important to keep faith in yourself and have patience with hard work to achieve your dreams.”I said to him. 
And Finally he was convinced and decided to work hard again this time and give his 100% to achieve what he wants and face the challenges rather than running away from it.