
Student Corner

The Little Taoist

Written by: Safal Gautam - 22016, Grade XII

Posted on: 02 December, 2021

The sound of wind and rustling across the glades, 
I gazed upon the night sky as the stars began to fade. 
I laid upon the mighty pine, enjoying the morning breeze, 
I don't know when the lake in front me was full of geese. 
A thin robe on my body, yet I don’t feel the cold, 
The dampness of the air began to disappear as the day began to unfold. 
The dandelion seeds, in the gentle morning breeze, begin to float, 
No matter when, I will never be tired of the wind’s rustling note. 
The moon begins to hide as the sun starts to rise, 
Anxiety and Anticipation fills me as the day may bring a surprise. 
The sounds of a squirrel's squeal, mixed with the chirping of the birds, 
The light on my bald head does seem a bit absurd. 
Picking up my belongings and continuing my pilgrimage, 
Within a day I must find a suitable village. 
I want to forget but my stomach won’t allow, 
How I have been hungry for days now. 
I don’t regret choosing to be a monk, 
Drinking the little wine in my gourd won’t make me drunk.
Wobbling away towards the path that seems unfamiliar,
Do I regret my decision? It is one thing I won't reconsider.