
Student Corner

Movie Review : Cruella

Written by: Sonam Sunner - 27017, Grade VII

Posted on: 02 December, 2021

Cruella is a Disney movie. It is a 2021 American crime comedy film. The release date of the movie ‘Cruella’ is May 18 2021. This movie is about a young girl who got revenge. It started when Estella was a young girl who was just 12 years old. But she and her mom had completely different personalities. However Estella still loved her mom. Her mom was very kind and sweet but Estella was a bit mean or sometimes rude. Estella had half black and half white hair while her mom didnt. Estella also had an interest in being a fashion designer. Whenever Estella was a bit rude, her mom said “that’s rude, you're not Cruella’. One day Estella got expelled from her school because of her behavior. Then they left for London. Before they stop at the city her mom said that she needs to stop somewhere for help from a friend because of the situation they were in. As they were driving, Estella saw that they were entering somewhere. It had a sign on the top and it said ‘Hellman Hall’. It was on a small island. As they parked, She saw a huge castle-like building, it looked like it was some event. Before her mom got out of her car, she took off her necklace and gave Estella to wear it. But Estella had to stay in her car while her mom went to talk to her friend. Estella wanted to see what was going on so she went and followed her mom sneakily. She hid under a table of cake with a cloth on the table so they couldn’t see her. When they entered she saw a huge hall, it was like a fashion show. She could tell it was the most famous fashion show. But then she went away from the table because her dog ran somewhere. Some 3 dalmatian dogs saw it and chased her. She chased her until she went outside. When she went outside her mom was standing on the edge of a balcony. And beside her was the baroness, the owner of Hallman Hall. when the baroness silently whistles for her trained dalmatian dogs. When she whistled the 3 dalmatian dogs ran outside. Estella was hiding behind a bush, and then saw the three dalmatian dogs push her mom from the balcony falling into the sea. After her mom was killed she begins her own transformation to Cruella. This story is interesting and is very impressive. It is entertaining and creative. I recommend this movie to all. This story is mostly about revenge.