
Student Corner

The Old Witch And The Little Girl

Written by: Sampanna Dhungana - 30029, Grade IV

Posted on: 02 December, 2021

    Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived near a forest. One day the girl decided to go to the forest to collect firewood. She went deep into the forest. After collecting the firewood for 2 hours. She heard some unusual noises. Then, she got scared.  When she was returning home, she saw an old wooden dusty house. The little girl said "Oh my God! That house looks so dirty. She got closer to the house and then she saw an old  Witch! The little girl got scared. She
tried to rush home but the old Witch saw her and called loudly" HEY! COME BACK HERE. The little girl said" NO".The Witch got angry and started following her. The witch said," I’m gonna get you.” The girl did not look back and ran so fast. She arrived home and shut the door immediately. Then, she promised herself never to go back to the forest ever again.