
Student Corner

Hard work leads to success

Written by: Joya Shrestha - 25004, Grade IX

Posted on: 30 November, 2021

There was a boy who dreamed of being a singer. He used to sing from a small age. He used to sing in school programs and used to participate in different competitions. His parents never supported him and never believed in him. His parents were very busy and he never got a chance to show them as well, but it didn't stop him and he never gave up. He worked even harder to achieve his dream. His parents wanted him to study rather than working on his dreams. They thought it was useless as it did not assure steady payment.

His parents didn’t let him buy a guitar. But his best friend had a guitar and late at night he used to sneak out from his house and go to his friends house to practice playing the instrument. Everyday he used to go to his friends house to learn guitar and eventually he became better at it too. He wanted to become a great guitarist and singer. In his school he had a very supportive teacher who always encouraged him to have patience and learn singing. He had practiced singing quietly for a few months. One day his sir informed him about the singing competition but the sir was a bit worried when he said he would participate because he was not well prepared and the competition had toughened up as the time had changed. The sir tried to convince him to not participate as he needed more practice but it went all in vain. He didn't listen and went to participate in the competition. There he saw a very tough competition and he didn't get selected for the next round and he regretted not listening to his teacher.  His performance was very old style. He felt embarrassed and went back to his teacher. He apologized to his teacher and he told his teacher that he should have patience and everything would have taken time to happen, not everything happened at once and the way he wanted it too as well. He requested his teacher to teach him first and to nourish his singing. After that he practiced patiently.

After months of hard work he entered into the same competition. He worked very hard for it. He learned a lot from his teacher and watched many youtube videos. After that he was selected for the competition. He learned many new things in the competition. After all of the hard work and patience he won the competition. He thanked his teacher for everything. He proved his parents and he made them realize that it was not useless. He was very happy and he realized that patience, hard work would eventually lead to success.