
Student Corner

Just a reminder!!!

Written by: Anukrama Paudel - 22031, Grade XII

Posted on: 30 November, 2021

It’s okay if you have a bad day, 
and don’t feel like getting out of 
your bed.
It’s okay if you don’t score as 
good as your cousin or if you’re 
not as pretty as your dear friend.
It’s okay to grow facial hair and 
acne and gain weight than to 
have a flawless facade.

It’s okay to be cranky and messy 
and not have everything sorted.
Give yourself the time, respect 
and love you need.
Learn to be selfish at times and 
be cautious of the issues you 
need to heed.
Just know that it doesn’t matter 
and you are fulfilling your basic 

Seek for help; know that there 
is no shame in sharing with your 
friends that you do not feel okay with