
Student Corner


Written by: Snigdha Chaudhary - 30047, Grade IV

Posted on: 29 November, 2021

Art has been part of our lives. For many years, people have been creating and enjoying art.  It expresses our emotions. It also helps people gain popularity. Many kinds of paint are used to create art. They include watercolours, acrylics, and oils. Some artists can work with a pencil or chalk. Sometimes charcoal can be used. The famous paintings are kept in an art gallery. In the past, artists used to draw in caves and they used to make colours by using flowers.
Nowadays, they make digital art too. Digital art means an artist draws on a piece of technology, like their phone, laptop, iPad, etc. The world's most famous painters are Leonardo DaVinci, Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, Michaelangelo and many more. Leonardo is mostly known because of the piece "Mona Lisa '', while Vincent on the other hand is known because of his piece called "Starry night". 
Sometimes painting speaks thousands of words. It also helps people to forget their pain and troubles. Moreover, it makes us relax and brings happiness to our life.