
Student Corner

What If No One Ever Died

Written by: Samyam Rai - 29028, Grade V

Posted on: 25 November, 2021

Death, nobody has managed to escape its grip so far. Even the giants like Titanoboa, Megalodon and Dinosaurs succumbed to it. Humans have managed to cheat death but not entirely but surely to some extent. Yes, with the advancement in the healthcare facilities, improvement in the standard of living, and better safety measures , the average life expectancy around the world in the last two centuries has increased from less than 30 years to over 72 years. And according to research it can be extended even further in the coming times. That makes us believe that we could even achieve immortality at some point in time. So, if everyone around us lives forever then in that case the first thing to tackle will be the ever growing population. As no one is departing and babies continue to be born. Soon it will become a big issue leading to scarcity of food and other resources and, as it will be next it impossible to meet the growing demands, there will be an increase in conflict amongst us. Not only that to provide shelter for so many of us, deforestation will increase, leading to the extinction of many animals. Apart from the pressure on the environment, There will be tremendous stress on our memories. Most have difficulty remembering. The next big hurdle living forever will be evolution. As we know according to Darwin’s theory of evolution, years ago, humans looked way different from what we are today. On the good side we could stay with loved ones for a longer time. However, death is necessary to maintain balance in nature.