
Student Corner

If humans never existed

Written by: Smriti Lama - 25015, Grade IX

Posted on: 24 November, 2021

I sometimes imagine, if humans never existed, how this world would've turned out to be. Would there be any other species or another animal? Or would dinosaurs be living? Or would there be no life? I think we humans are the most dangerous creatures on the earth. It is very disgraceful of us but humans kill other humans more than animals on the earth. Animals are kinder than humans. Like if humans would not exist then the creatures which would have the easiest life are animals compared to other creatures.

We have destroyed the habitat on earth which leads to the extinction of the animals. This is why I thought about this topic. If humans never existed then it would be an easy and safe life for other creatures. How funny would it be if humans never existed and only the creatures, plants, trees, lands etc. would exist but none of them would have any idea what on earth they were supposed to do? And what on earth was it invented? How far is the sky and what are stars made up of? Would those creatures even care about these things? I guess not because we could just imagine how they would have an idea about those things while they're not even human and non educated. 

The area would not be suffering from the pollution if humans didn't exist. If humans didn’t exist, the world or the era we are currently living in would never be possible. There would be nothing on earth except trees, lakes etc. The earth would be surrounded by greenery. There would be no buildings, the era we are living in right now would never be possible. We humans are the superior creatures on earth but there are many other animals like dogs which are very smart and intelligent. Would they have made earth developed as our ancestors did? I mean it is possible we humans were also a bunch of animals who knew nothing but expected that we would be this developed. So if we never existed then surely in a billion years animals or any other creatures would make earth developed? The earth would never feel heavy and hard as now. We are just being careless towards earth right now. We just deforestation the greenery of the planet. And never think of planting trees. We don't think about global warming while driving. We should always drive less and walk more. It is good for our health too. We throw garbage in every corner of the earth which is bad for our health and planet too. If we humans never existed then the earth would probably not get damaged.

If humans didn't exist it would be really hard for other creatures in some ways because if we don't plant trees, fruits the animal would not be able to erase their hunger and there would not be any other option except hunting other animals. The earth would be a dry place as a desert. Only some creatures would exist. I know we human beings are the smartest on the planet but if we didn't exist, I think the apes would be the smartest creatures on the earth. If humans never existed then the environment would be neat and clean. It would be an easier life for other creatures. But then the earth would never be developed as it is developing right now. And our earth would not be as creative as it is right now.