
Student Corner

Experience of my teen life

Written by: Niharika Shrestha - 22022, Grade XII

Posted on: 22 November, 2021

When I was a kid, everyone around me used to say teen life is going to be so different, there will be less difficulties, and hardships. We will have more fun. This made me even more excited to become a teen. On my 13th birthday, everyone congratulated me for this phase of my life. Everyone has a different experience about their teen life. Even though I still have 2 years left to finish this phase of life, I am enjoying my teen life.
Everyone goes through different changes in their teen life. It is the phase where we act in stupid way sometimes, make bad decisions, make mistakes, learn through mistakes, sadness, happiness etc. Hormones are very active during this phase so teenagers go through many hormonal changes. Some teenagers get pimples, most of the girls get their periods, get in a relationship and many more. Peer influence plays a very important role during this phase because lots of teenagers tend to go in a wrong path and start smoking, drugs and drinking. So, choosing the right friend is important. A good influence will make a very positive impact in our life. We will be in a happy and peaceful state. It is also a phase where we face lots of competitions. One will face numerous competition, academic competition, competition of one’s body shape, color of their skin etc and many more. People post beautiful pictures of them on social media and we tend to compare our life with them. Even though we know that pictures might be edited and the life they show on social media might not be the same as the screen, still we always compare. Teenagers are judged on their body, outfits and they often take wrong steps to make it perfect. They are insecure about their own body. This insecurity can lead to many problems and affects physically as well as mentally.
Overall, this beautiful phase of life is doing great. Problems come and go so I try to focus on good things rather than the negative ones. I also try not to compare my life with anyone. I want to make good memories during my teenage life because this time will never come back in the future. So, after a few years, I want to look back at all the memories and cherish them forever.