
Student Corner

What if World War II never happened?

Written by: Samip Aryal - 25014, Grade IX

Posted on: 22 November, 2021

World war II was a global war which started in 1939. World war II started because Hilter invaded Poland to make Germany stronger. Poland was supported by military support from Britain and France. After 2 days when Germany had invaded Poland, France and Britain declared war against Germany, which was the cause of world war II. Germany was known as “Nazi”. Germany, Japan and Italy formed an alliance and fought against the soviet union, USA, Britain and China. World War II ended  in 1945.

Imagine that Hitler stayed in Austria to live his life as an artist, then he would not have any involment in world war II and would not have any involment with the Nazi party and also if Nazi attempted to start world war they couldn’t  be sucessfully to take over Germany and they would be kicked out from the country. If all of that happened the atom bomb would not be created for some time and would be created when the world realized they needed weapons for wars in the future. If world war II didn’t happen today's world would be less advanced in weapons because the atom bomb was developed during world war II and that led to us making more advanced weapons.

If world war II never happened then the world would not be as developed in advanced weapons and there would also be great depression today and most likely the atom bomb would not be created and there would be no nuclear weapons. The cold war wouldn’t happen and the world wouldn’t be as advanced as today’s world.

If world war II never happened many lives would be saved. Jews followers would not have to flee to other countries. People would not have died because of hunger and disease. The United Nations organization would not have been created. Atom bombs would not be created. The great depression wouldn’t have ended so early. Nuclear weapons would most likely not be created. Nazi would  not have been a threat to the world.

In conclusion if world war II didn’t happen then we would not be as advanced as today's world. There would be no nuclear weapons to protect us from other wars. Organizations like the United Nations wouldn’t have been created and we wouldn’t have advanced weaponry to use in future war.