
Student Corner

Rocks and rock collecting

Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade VI

Posted on: 19 November, 2021

What does rocks and rock collecting mean? The first thing we need to know is about rock. Rock is a solid material which is found under the surface of the earth. Rock collecting is a hobby of collecting different and rare types of rock. Not all people have these hobbies but still some people love to explore and find different types of rock.If this is your hobby then you also must probably be interested in going out for a walk or hiking trip.
How to start rock collecting? If you want to start this hobby then, you must find it easy. Just collect the basic rocks by visiting places.It could even be your own terrace, gardens etc. Eye- catching rocks should definitely be in your collection. After having the habit of collecting rocks, it would be harder for you because there would be less rocks to collect. We must need different equipment to collect rare ones.  But if this is our hobby, we must tend to never give up on it easily..
If you are thinking that there were no people with these hobbies in the past you are wrong. I do agree that rock collecting did not even exist as someone’s hobby or was formed in that period of time. But, did you know that the first rock discovered was almost 4 billion years ago.
Hobby doesn't only mean collecting rocks. It also means to study about rocks, use them in creative stuff like coloring, painting, to look at the rare ones and of course discovering them.